Unveiling Transformation: Menopause, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Hashimoto’s Disease, and a Quest for Optimal Living

Many people say, embracing change is a part of life, and for many women, menopause marks a significant transition. For me, it’s been a whirlwind and I certainly having an issue embracing it. On previous blogs I shared my consult with Dr. Susan, delving into the world of hormonal shifts and the transformative journey through menopause and my life. It’s been 3 weeks, and I am sharing the results and transformation in this period.

Menopause, for me, became a journey of understanding the profound impact of hormonal fluctuations. I now understand that the ‘traditional’ test and results may come back as ‘normal range” based on age. These ranges are not necessarily OPTIMAL! Understanding my body and knowing something was not right, lead me to investigate and find answers.  I discovered through the lab results that my body is depleted of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone which has caused several unwanted symptoms. Dr. Susan discussed and explained a few options which I decided to implement. I embarked on a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) regimen. Estrogen and testosterone, administered through pellet methods, triggered sensations in my body that had been dormant for the last few years. The resurgence of my sex drive, revitalized skin, diminished moodiness, and newfound energy became the unexpected gifts of this hormone therapy.

Simultaneously, the introduction of oral hormones for progesterone worked wonders, banishing insomnia and granting me the gift of restful sleep. GAME CHANGER!  This made a difference in my energy, moodiness and sharpness…..my husband and boys noticed!

In the midst of this transformative journey, an additional layer unfolded with the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease and high cholesterol. It’s scary, no doubt! I think back to when I tried the following diets, The Whole 30, Gluten Free, Keto diets etc. because I wanted to. NOW I HAVE TO make the lifestyle change or face future health consequences. With these health challenges, I embraced a multifaceted approach. Supplements, including red rice yeast and pre- and probiotics, became integral to my daily routine. The journey towards health required sacrifices, with the elimination of gluten and dairy proving to be a challenging yet necessary step in preventing the progression of these diseases.

The struggle with dietary changes, however, pales in comparison to the potential gains in my health. It’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and a commitment to well-being. As I navigate this path, the true test lies ahead, awaiting the results of a follow-up blood test.

This blog marks the beginning of a shared journey, a testament to the resilience of the human body and the spirit within. Each step forward is a victory, and I invite you to join me in this ongoing exploration of transformation and triumph. Stay tuned as I continue to share the chapters of my life marked by resilience, adaptation, and the pursuit of optimal health.